How do I submit a work?

Submission to the repository requires that you have submitted, successfully defended and made all necessary corrections to your thesis/dissertation required by your defense committtee and the Learning Commons.

To submit your thesis/dissertation follow these steps:

1. If you have not received login credentials from the Learning Commons, then click the CONTACT tab above to send a message requesting login credentials. Under "Issue Type" select "Depositing Content." Allow two business days for login credentials to be emailed to you.

2. Click "login" on the upper-right hand corner of CTS Digital Commons and enter your credentials OR

    Click the "Share Your Work" button and enter your login credentials.

3. Go to Dashboard > Repository Contents > Works

4. Click the blue  "Add New Work" button

5. You will see a panel with three tabs: Description, Files, Relationships. 

6. Under the "Descriptions" tab, enter the following required fields for your thesis/dissertation:  

Optional fields:

7. Read and agree to the Deposit Agreement. The Deposit Agreement outlines your rights as the copyright holder, and CTS’ responsibilities in preserving and making your scholarly work visible. You have the option to select in the Deposit Agreement the level of visibility for your work. As detailed in the agreement, you have one of four options: 

a.  Public: Your work is visible to anyone who visits CTS’ online ETD Repository.

b. CTS Chicago: Only members of the CTS community can access your work.

c. Embargo: Set a date for future release (for PhD dissertations only)

d. Private:  Only you will have access to your work.

8. Under the "Files" tab, upload your thesis/dissertation in PDF format.

9. Under the "Relationships" tab, you will need to select the collection (i.e. degree program) for your thesis/dissertaion. Please enter one of the following terms: PhD Dissertation, DMin Paper, STM Thesis or Masters Thesis. As you begin to type, you will be prompted with the name of a collection.